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User defined RVE for stl format

    • adel.badria

      Hi everyone,

      I'm working on mechanical simulation "material designer Ansys" of milliscale strucutres cubes, tetrapods, etc. randomly distributed in matrix. I have the particles randomly distrbuted in stl file. I'm imported this structures to the space claim, converted it into solid and wrapped it with a cube. Now when I'm trying to select the geometries "phase assigmnet" I'm recieveing a message that there are no solid or there are no assigned bodies? 

      I'd appeciate a solution for this issue.

      Thanks in advance


    • Asitang Lahurikar
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Adel,

      Please follow these steps to create a user-defined Representative Volume Element (RVE) in Material Designer:

      1. Drag a 'Geometry' system into the Workbench project schematic window and import an .stl file. We'll refer to this as System A.
      2. Open the geometry in SpaceClaim and convert it to a solid. If necessary, repair the geometry. At this stage, you may also model an additional cube for wrapping purposes.
      3. Minimize the SpaceClaim window for System A.
      4. Return to Workbench and drag a 'Material Designer' system onto the project schematic. We'll refer to this as System B.
      5. Define the materials using Engineering Data.
      6. Open 'Material Designer' from System B and select the model type as User-Defined. Then minimize the window.
      7. Go back to the minimized SpaceClaim window for System A. Select all bodies and copy them.
      8. Reopen the Material Designer window and paste all bodies. Before pasting the geometry, ensure that the unit systems are consistent across both windows. If they're not, you can adjust them in the Design Modeler window by navigating to File -> SpaceClaim options -> Units.

      Once the geometry is pasted in Material Designer window, you should be able to proceed with defining the RVE model. 

      Hope this helps!
      Asitang L

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