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Moment Reaction probe with Large deformation

    • Tom Ber


      I would like to read the reaction moment probe from the contact in a large displacement analysis. When I use the summation method: orientation system or centroid, the moment is read relative to the undisplaced centroid of the contact. I need the summation point to be at the centroid of the displaced contact. Is there any way to do this automatically? The only solution I have found is to move the coordinate system exactly by the value the geometry moves, but this is too labor-intensive to do for many contacts and many timesteps.


      When the summation point does not move with the mesh, this results in a false reading of the moments. 


    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Does specifying a node number on the APDL SPOINT command update the location to compute the moment about?

    • Tom Ber

      Hi dlooman,

      Thanks for your reply but I don't understand what exactly you mean. Could you please clarify it further?

      could you give me some example of apdl code that I could use?


    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Assuming you know the x,y,z location of the centroid and have a named selection for the nodes on the surface the commands would be:






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