TAGGED: electromagnetism, hpc, licence, licence-manager, mpp
December 26, 2024 at 9:35 pmrajesh.pamarthi2711Subscriber
Trying to execute an EM kind of simulation, with .k file having around 241000 elements.I have parts like inductor, workpiece, field shaper and others , 5 in total . All acounting to section_solid of element 2 form.
control termination - end_time= 6.000e-04
control timestep - TSSFAC =0.667
EM_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = 5.000e-08I have tried to run the simulation with 3 nodes and 147 tasks. the termination time is about 6.000e-04 (control_termination)
#SBATCH –nodes=3 # use 1 node#SBATCH –ntasks=147 # explicitly bind tasks to cores#SBATCH –mem-per-cpu=4000M # memory per CPU core#SBATCH –error=error.logmodule load GCC/13.2.0 intel-compilers/2023.2.1 impi/2021.10.0 Python/3.11.5 SciPy-bundle/2023.12 matplotlib/3.8.2 LS-DYNA/14.1.0python ls.py
with one of the following line in Python code,lsdyna_command = f’/software/rapids/r24.04/impi/2021.10.0-intel-compilers-2023.2.1/mpi/2021.10.0/bin/mpirun -genv I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=core -np 147 /software/rapids/r24.04/LS-DYNA/14.1.0-intel-2023b/ls-dyna_mpp_d_R14_1_0_x64_centos79_ifort190_avx2_intelmpi-2018_sharelib i={new_file_path} memory=128M'# Execute the LS-Dyna commandprint(“Running LS-Dyna…”)run_command(lsdyna_command)
For the above, the simulation started execution but appears to be terminated before total completion time. In my d3hsp, it gave out709 t 3.5450E-05 dt 5.00E-08 electromagnetism stepLicense routines forcing premature code termination.Contact with the license server has been lost.The server may have died or a network connectivity problemmay have occurred.710 t 3.5500E-05 dt 1.00E+06 write d3dump01 file 12/24/24 21:37:58710 t 3.5500E-05 dt 1.00E+06 flush i/o buffers 12/24/24 21:37:58710 t 3.5500E-05 dt 1.00E+06 write d3plot file 12/24/24 21:37:59N o r m a l t e r m i n a t i o n 12/24/24 21:37:59S t o r a g e a l l o c a t i o nMemory required to complete solution (memory= 5235K memory2= 2508K)Minimum 2408K on processor 5Maximum 2508K on processor 36Average 2424KMatrix Assembly dynamically allocated memoryMaximum 56MAdditional dynamically allocated memoryMinimum 162M on processor 121Maximum 217M on processor 146Average 170MTotal allocated memoryMinimum 220M on processor 121Maximum 275M on processor 146Average 228MT i m i n g i n f o r m a t i o nCPU(seconds) %CPU Clock(seconds) %Clock—————————————————————-Keyword Processing … 2.8257E+00 0.01 2.8348E+00 0.01MPP Decomposition …. 1.6675E+01 0.06 1.7915E+01 0.06Init Proc ………. 1.0730E+01 0.04 1.0759E+01 0.04Decomposition …… 5.4681E-01 0.00 5.5070E-01 0.00Translation …….. 5.3983E+00 0.02 6.6042E+00 0.02Initialization ……. 1.3516E+01 0.05 1.3698E+01 0.05Init Proc Phase 1 .. 2.6186E+00 0.01 2.6754E+00 0.01Init Proc Phase 2 .. 1.4131E+00 0.01 1.4373E+00 0.01Element processing … 9.0849E-01 0.00 6.1107E+01 0.22Solids …………. 5.8148E-01 0.00 3.8135E+01 0.13E Other ………… 8.5733E-02 0.00 6.8885E+00 0.02Binary databases ….. 2.9037E+01 0.10 4.4529E+01 0.16ASCII database ……. 1.1411E-01 0.00 7.0965E+00 0.03Contact algorithm …. 8.2748E+01 0.30 1.1298E+02 0.40Interf. ID 1 1.9341E+01 0.07 1.9670E+01 0.07Interf. ID 2 5.4628E+01 0.20 7.0596E+01 0.25Rigid Bodies ……… 4.2108E+01 0.15 5.3479E+01 0.19EM solver ………… 2.7242E+04 98.45 2.7758E+04 97.85Misc …………… 6.1301E+02 2.22 6.6360E+02 2.34System Solve ……. 2.5164E+04 90.94 2.5492E+04 89.86FEM matrices setup . 1.1896E+02 0.43 1.3114E+02 0.46BEM matrices setup . 3.5966E+02 1.30 3.8563E+02 1.36FEMSTER to DYNA …. 4.3925E+02 1.59 5.2618E+02 1.85Compute fields ….. 5.4711E+02 1.98 5.5925E+02 1.97Time step size ……. 1.4727E+02 0.53 1.5686E+02 0.55Group force file ….. 1.0339E-02 0.00 8.1230E-01 0.00Others …………… 1.1413E+01 0.04 1.6252E+01 0.06Force Sharing …… 1.1304E+01 0.04 1.3013E+01 0.05Misc. 1 ………….. 4.3898E+00 0.02 2.2644E+01 0.08Scale Masses ……. 7.7710E-03 0.00 5.5401E-01 0.00Force Constraints .. 1.3901E-02 0.00 6.8301E-01 0.00Force to Accel ….. 1.0230E-02 0.00 7.7030E-01 0.00Constraint Sharing . 3.3435E-02 0.00 1.2809E+00 0.00Update RB nodes …. 3.8281E-02 0.00 2.4141E+00 0.01Misc. 2 ………….. 1.1875E-01 0.00 9.0182E+00 0.03Misc. 3 ………….. 7.7356E+01 0.28 8.4258E+01 0.30Misc. 4 ………….. 1.1225E-01 0.00 6.7043E+00 0.02Timestep Init …… 1.6812E-02 0.00 4.6854E-01 0.00Apply Loads …….. 8.1626E-02 0.00 5.6807E+00 0.02—————————————————————-T o t a l s 2.7670E+04 100.00 2.8368E+04 100.00Problem time = 3.5500E-05Problem cycle = 710Total CPU time = 27670 seconds ( 7 hours 41 minutes 10 seconds)CPU time per zone cycle = 161549.932 nanosecondsClock time per zone cycle= 165622.228 nanosecondsParallel execution with 147 MPP procNLQ used/max 64/ 64
I think the total termination has not executed; it prematurely stopped execution. It's taking very long to run. Cannot determine what the problem is, need to run it quickly. -
December 30, 2024 at 2:04 pmGeorge KarnosAnsys Employee
If using the ANSYS License Manager:
Check the environment variable “LSTC_LICENSE”, that could have the variable value ‘Network’.
Change that to ‘LSTC_LICENSE=ANSYS’ [w/o quotes]
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