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Mechanical Scripting Not Showing

    • Julia

      I currently have ANSYS 2024 R1 downloaded and whenver I try accessing the Mechanical Scripting, it does not show up. How can this be fixed?

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      Hi, can you please try the following:

      1. Setting Mechanical View option to None (Mechanical>File>Options>Mechanical>Engineering Data> Mechanical View)
      2. Appdata reset, restart machine, reopen Workbench
      3. create a system variable ANSYS_MECHANICAL_BROWSER and set to 1
      4. IPRELEASE and FIPS settings in (https://storage.ansys.com/api-a/v241/ACTKnownIssues.pdf) mentioned at VPN conflicts to release and renew IP address
      5. Adjusting display settings to 100%, 125%, Change resolution to 1600*900, back to HD (Type "Display Settings" after opening the start bar in Windows 10)


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    • Julia


      Hi. I tried all of the following approaches, but the window still does not display probably and is bugged.  Should I uninstall Ansys and reinstall it again?


      • Aniket
        Forum Moderator

        Hi, Yes, please try to do the same, and try by right-clicking on setup and run as administrator if possible.


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    • Julia

      Hi, so I traced it back to the VPN causing the issue. When I am on my school's network not connected to the VPN the window shows correctly, however when I want to work remotely scripting does not show again. I retried step 4 and ran as an admin, however the issue still persists. 

      • Aniket
        Forum Moderator

        so as per the doc I shared earlier if it is VPN issue, have you tried following script, both with and without connecting to VPN?

        VPN conflicts can arise if IP information is retained

        When using a VPN, IP information can be retained, even after turning off the VPN and rebooting the 
        computer. The workaround is to release the IP configuration using the following script:

        echo Releasing IP 
        ipconfig /release > NUL 
        echo Acquiring new IP 
        ipconfig /renew > NUL



        Enabled FIPS security policy

        When running with an enabled FIPS security policy, ACT User Interface elements are not supported.

        If it FIPS security policy has been enabled on the VPN server, ACT elements are not supported and you may have to switch of VPN to use interactive scripting window. In this case what you can do is use free student version for interactive scripting requirements, and if needed connect VPN to connect to your research license server where you will be only running it not interactively working with scripting window.



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