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Aqwa – tube elements in frequency domain analysis

    • wei shao

      I am using Aqwa (ansys workbench) for frequency domain analysis. In my model (float structure), there are several tube elements. Since I want to consdier the drag force on these tube elemetns, so one irregular wave are added. but when I use the splite force function (to get the forece at the centerl line of the structure) , it was found that, the drag coefficient has NO impact to the resutls of the split function (but it do affect the resutls of the shear foce and moment) . I wonder if the tube elemtns cannot be conidered for the split force function at the moment for Aqwa, thank you

    • Yu Bi
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, yes, the splitting force and moment calculation doesn't include the linearized drag forces/moments from tube and disc elements. See Aqwa Theory Manual section 14.3 for more details.

    • wei shao

      Dear Yu Bi, Thank you for your quick reply. How about the Shear Force and Bending Moment along Axes (Aqwa Theory Manual section 14.2)? Do these values include the linearized drag forces/moments from tube (I found that the drag coefficients affect the resutls for shear force and bending moment)? If we want to conside the split force due to the linearized frag forces/moments from tube, is there any way to do this in Aqwa? Thank you

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