Material Properties

Material Properties

What is the cause of following error message: *** ERROR *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 18.814 TIME= 17:05:07 Unable to calculate Residual for 1:crshar .

    • FAQFAQ

      For creep curve fitting in MAPDL, If one has a creep model which requires time (e.g., time hardening model), but do not actually want to include time, even then it will be required to specify a positive value for time in the input file or else an error will result: /temp,1650 /1,seqv /2,dcreq /3,time 1401.81E-021.00 2102.72E-021.00 2804.54E-021.00 3466.48E-021.00 4158.29E-021.00 time is set equal to 1, then fix the constant related to time to zero and perform the curve fit.