Structural Dynamics

Structural Dynamics

In a Mode superposition transient analysis, why doesn’t Mechanical show deformation results when Outres,nsol command inserted through command object ?

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      Command Object: outres,erase outres,all,none outres,nsol,all,nnew1 The OUTRES,NSOL causes the result file to get ready for U, V, and A data.However, since OUTRES,V and OUTRES,A were not included in the snippet, the solver wrote no V and A data. The Mechanical reader has a safety check: the reader feels that V and A data should be on the file.If the reader sees no V and A data, it concludes that the nodal degree of freedom solution is unsafe. This as a limitation of Mechanical, not a defect.Set “calculate Velocity and acceleration” to “No” in Analysis settings. Or add these commands too to the command object: outres,v ,all,nnew1 outres,a ,all,nnew1