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Discovery AIM – Instructions for sending Discovery AIM project

    • FAQFAQ

      It has been noticed that when an AIM project is attached to Discovery forum or is send through Secure link to the Support team for investigation, the file which is attached or sent is .wbpj file. This wbpj file cannot be opened since it has an associated folder with the same name. Both .wbpj file and the folder together form an AIM project.

      The best way to send any AIM project file is by archiving (a zipped file that contains the project file and the associated directories). To archive, go to File menu and select Archive option as shown below.


      • Result/solution and retained design point files: This option is enabled by default and will include the results/solution and retained design point files in the archived file.
      • Imported files external to the project directory: If this option is enabled, you can include external files used in the project (for example a CAD file imported in the project) in the archived file

      Finally, click Archive. This will create a .wbpz file which you can attach or send to support team for investigation.

      Important Note: 

      This forum is public and accessible to all ANSYS Community users. You are prohibited from posting to this forum any confidential or ITAR regulated content. For requesting proprietary model support, please check out this article.