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workbench opening problem

    • Adil_om

      workbench doesn't work with me. it doesn't show any error 

      I have trued ansys 17.2 and 18.2  student version and i have the same problem.

      Windows 8.1

    • Raef.Kobeissi
      Are you opening it through Workbench after your solution is solved? What happens when you try to open it?

    • Adil_om

      Workbench doesn't open sines I install it

      When I click on it the mouse turn to the loading icon than nothing shows up 



    • Raef.Kobeissi
      Is your windows up to date? And your other drivers up to date? Could you also try to open cfdpost straight from the application rather than opening it from Workbench and tell me whether it works or not.
    • Adil_om

      The windows and drivers has updated

      What do you main by cfdpost straight?

      Thank you

    • Adil_om

      I found the cfdpost

      yes it dose work

    • Adil_om

      Can you reply please 

      I need the program for the project 

      thank you


    • peteroznewman

      Here is a definitive guide to installing ANSYS Student 17.2.

      Installing ANSYS Student 18.2 is much simpler, just Run as Administrator.

    • Adil_om

      I have Installed 18.2 and still same problem

    • vganore
      Ansys Employee

      Which graphics card are you using?

    • Adil_om

      Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

    • vganore
      Ansys Employee

      Have a look at this thread for possible graphics card issue. ANSYS supports NVDIA and AMD. 


    • pozs


      After installing ANSYS student 19.2, I tried to open with workbench 19.2 but it shows this window:

      What could be the problem?

      Tanks, pozs

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi pozs,

      Please try resolutions discussed here


      If that doesn't help, please create your own/new thread.



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