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student ansys activation problem

    • joenishit

      i am trying to activate ansys student edition 19.2 but i am not able to do so please help me in activating it as soon as possible. thank you.error in ansys when opening application

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi joenishit,

      Thank you for the info.

      Do you have any other ANSYS version installed on the machine aside from this ANSYS Student v19.2 ?


      Have you tried reinstalling ANSYS Student v19.2 ? Make sure to remove the C:Program FilesANSYS Inc  folder before you attempt the re-installation.


      Try resetting the configuration: Rename folder v192 in this directory 

      %AppData%Ansys     (copy and paste this in the Windows File Explorer address bar)

      to anything else (e.g., v192.old)


      Also, open CMD Prompt, then type 'set' without quote ' ' , and post the screenshot of the output here.


      On a separate note, for student version, you don't need to specify the license server using Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility, you can safely remove your own machine.

      Thank you,


    • joenishit

      i do not have any other ansys products installed other than the mentioned one which is ansys student version 19.2. is there any other solution other than  requiring me to do the complete reinstallation of the ansys .thanks for your respnse.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

       Hi joenishit,

      Just to verify, did you try resetting the configuration ?


      Is there an 'update' folder under C:Program FilesANSYS IncANSYS StudentShared FilesLicensingwinx64

      If there is, something is wrong, please post the screenshot of the content of that 'update' folder.


      Go to %temp%.ansys   (copy and paste this in the Windows File Explorer address bar)

      and open the file named 'demo..log' 

      scroll to the bottom of the file and take the screenshot and paste it in this post.


      Thank you,


    • joenishit


      no i didnt try resetting the config. and there is no update folder in that directory.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi joenishit,

      Please try the resetting configuration steps.

      Also, if you open CMD Prompt then type

      ping joesdesktop


      ping joesdesktop -4

      what is the output you are seeing ?


      Thank you,


    • joenishit

      ok so as per your instructions i have tried clean install of ansys on my pc but unfortunately same error pops up again.i have noticed a strange issue the ansys program does not appear on the uninstall a programs list this has been observed both before and after the fresh install. i have deleted the ansys inc folder in the location specified and had also cleared the temp files folder before attempting a reinstall .

      the error message which pops up is this

      and this is the result after executing the commands after fresh install. 

      what should be done to resolve this strange issues? i have downloaded the package from the official download page.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi joenishit,

      Can you try creating a new Windows user profile account and see if it helps ?

      It's expected that you don't see ANSYS (Mechanical and Fluids products) in the programs and features list. The only product that would show is the ANSYS EM. No worries about this part, nothing is wrong with your installation. But if you want to know about this, you can refer to this link https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/2238-how-add-remove-programs-works

      Thank you,



    • joenishit

      i had another user profile in my pc the same problem exists there too.please see all the screenshots provided earlier and provide me a solution to this problem.thanks

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi joenishit,

      Login to another account, then open CMD Prompt, then type 'set' without quote ' ' , and post the screenshot of the output here.

      Thank you,


    • joenishit

      here is the screenshot .

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Sorry, I'm out of idea now.

      I've asked people to look into this and they would chime in soon.

      Thank you,


    • Vidhisha


      I am facing exactly the same problem. Could you help to resolve this issue?

    • joenishit

      so what is the solution to this problem ? the issue is still present on my pc.please post a suitable solution to this problem soon .thanks

    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      Hi joenishit,

      Unfortunately, I am not sure what might be causing the issue on your machine.  I do not have any further suggestions at the moment.


      Thank you,


    • dhokepranay2

      I am also facing the same issue. Please give us some solution.

    • JakeC
      Ansys Employee

      Hi dhokepranay2,

      What have you tried so far?


      Please also post a screenshot of the "set" command as noted above.

      Also post a screenshot of the ping command as stated above.


      Lastly, are you using the Student Version, or trying to an academic license?


      Thank you,


    • joenishit

      for me this problem was solved by reinstalling window 10 and then installing ansys same version again .

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