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Spherical joint acting as fixed

    • RB


      I have a plate lying on 4 axis. I have modelized each joint with two spherical joints and retrieved the torque at the base plate. My issue is that the torque is the same whether the joitn is spherical or fixed. 

      Because I am using the same edge twice, i have the following warning : "Two or more remote boundary conditions are sharing a common face, edge, or vertex.   This behavior can cause solver overconstraint and is not recommended, please check results carefully.  You may select the offending object and/or geometry via RMB on this warning in the Messages window." 

      How can i setup my joint so it behaves as an actual spherical joint ?

      I am using ANSYS 17.0


      Overview of the model


      Axis detailled view

      Joint setup


    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      It seems like the fixed part is selected as mobile, while moveable part seems like to be reference, can you try reversing that and see if that helps?


      Forum Rules & Guidelines

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      It almost sounds like you have two spherical joints at each corner for a total of 8 spherical joints.  This redundancy could have caused the problem.  There should definitely be only one spherical joint at each corner.  The two cylindrical faces of the clevis should be one side of the joint and the cylindrical face of the triangular plate should be the other side.  

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