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Location of a source term in fluid region

    • majam


      I am simulating a mixing tank with 3 moving regions (impeller regions) and one stagnant one (the rest of the tank).

      After the flow becomes steady I wish to add a scalar source term in a region inside the tank (the stagnant region) . I want the source term to be in a specific region (for instance a sphere with diameter 0f 1-2 cm near the tank surface).

      If I add the source term without identifying a region it will be applied to the whole tank not only a small region.

      I was thinking if I define a region inside the tank (using adapt /refine/new region), then use an expression in the source term.

      I am not sure though how to define the expression in the source term the way that source term will be generated only at that specific location.

      I would appreciate it if anyone can help me?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Not quite (rather, not yet). You need to split the cells zone using the register and then apply the source to the new zone.
    • majam
      Thank you for your response.
      In this case, is it better to create a separate region when I am developing the Geometry (in design modeler or space claim) or just separating the cell zone in fluent is fine? or either way I am getting the same results?
    • aitor.amatriain
      You could also include some "if" statements in the definition of the source term so that it vanishes outside the desired zone.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      That works too.
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