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Script error Code: 800a000d

    • 21103072

      This is the error I have been receiving for the past few days.
      Respected ANSYS Team,

      I am a student version user-2024 R2 and I have been getting this 'Type Mismatch error' for 2 days the source seems to be 'Javascript runtime error'. I imported a geometry from Solidworks in STEP file format into Design modeler, then I create a uniform Enclosure of 10 meters. After that I create a Boolean and subtract the Tool body (The Geometry) while preserving it and then choose the domain (The Enclosure) as the Target body. Everything is perfect till this part. Then I open ANSYS mechanical to mesh the Geometry and get this error. I referred to your [revious post online and tried this in Command prompt as administrator
      regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
      regsvr32.exe atl.dll
      regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
      regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll
      regsvr32.exe jscript.dll
      regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll
      move "%appdata%\ansys" "%appdata%\ansys.old"
      It all registered itelf successfully all the commands were executed, I restarted the system and re opened ANSYS again and I encountered the same error again what do I do next? I already deleted and reinstalled ANSYS to give a clean slate and re-did everything once again. What do I do next?

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