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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Error of opening ansys workbench

    • luna6362

      Hi, I can't open my ansys workbench.????

      It appeared these message.How can I resolve it?

      Thank you!

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Are you using Fluent in Workbench? If so, then you can find the individual files in "dp0" named folder in Workbench project folder.

      • luna6362

        Yes,I am using Fluent in workbench.I have found the files.

        But my problem is I can't open the workbench to see the case I have run before.????

        Or could you tell me what should I do with the files you said? Thank you!

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      Create a copy of the .wbpj file and after opening, when WB asks you if you want to recover the files, click Yes. See if this helps.

      • luna6362

        Sorry I don't really sure your meaning.

        But I just copy whole file folder like the pictures.

        And it still can't open like before.

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      As I said before, when you open the WB file, you get the message, whether to recover the corrupted file or not. You have share the screenshot in your first message. Click "Yes" and see what happens.

      • luna6362

        I got it.I have clicked "yes" before,and it shows the second picture's message of my first post.

        No matter which buttoms I click,it doesn't open normally.????

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      I see. Then could you try out these steps:

      To recover your Workbench project, you will need the SYS.mshdb and the SYSx.set files from your old project, as well as the associated solutions (*.dat) files
      1. Copy SYS.mshdb from the corrupted project to SYS.meshdat in a new location
      2. Copy SYSx.set from the corrupted project to a new location (This file holds the Fluent setup information)
      3. Import SYS.meshdat into a new project to test for corruption.  This should create a new Geometry/Meshing cell
      (If there is an error on doing this import, then the SYS.mshdb file is corrupted and the mesh will have to be regenerated by importing the geometry (*.agdb) from the old  project
      4. Connect the resulting Geometry/Meshing cell to a new Fluent cell
      5. Open Fluent to let it write a SYS.x.set file.  (This stores the entire Fluent setup.)  Take note of the exact name of the file that is written.
      6. Rename the old SYS.x.set to match the newer file.
      7. Close Fluent and switch the new SYS.set in the project with the renamed, older one
      8. Reopen Fluent to force a read of the old settings.  If the settings file is uncorrupted, this should rebuild the Fluent Setup that was in the corrupted project.
      9. There should now be a linked Geometry/Meshing + Fluent cell pair in the project. You now can import the old (*.dat file)  solution into Fluent from Setup and run one iteration to populate the Solution cell.
      • luna6362

        Thank you so much!????

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