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Error: eval: unbound variable when executing command

    • Mathieu G


      I'm trying to change a BC during my calculation using the "Execute Command" function. I'm executing :

      (if( < 0 (pick-a-real"/report/v-i/max 8 9, pressure n")) (ti-menu-load-string"/define/b-c/z-t 13 interior"))

      It's working fine when tested in the TUI but during the actual calculation I'm seeing this error : 

      Error: eval: unbound variable

      Error Object: 0 


      Any idea why it's not working in the execute command promt ?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Execute commands trigger every some iterations or once at a set iteration number (or timestep/time) so can you check if it's triggered once and then given an error or failed on the first attempt. I've never tried changing a boundary in this way, it's always been via UDF. 

      • Mathieu G

        I copy/paste the same command from a previous model and it worked. My guess is that the issue was coming from the quotation marks

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Possibly, Scheme is very particular about syntax, order, what colour your socks are etc. 

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