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DPM for transient continuous phase


    • Sem B


      I've done DPM particle tracking for steady-state continuous phase simulations. Now, I'm solving the continuous phase in a transient simulation and do time-averaging (data-sampling) for a number of time steps to obtain the time-averaged flow field of the continuous phase. Can I do the DPM particle tracking the same way as I did in the steady-state, but now use the time-averaged continuous phase flow field to calculate particle trajectories. I've read in the Fluent manual, that dpm steady vs. transient is independent choice w.r.t. steady vs. transient of the continuous phase, but I'm not sure how to use the time-averaged flow field for the steady DPM. 

      Thank you in advance.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, but it's non-trivial as the DPM model uses the instantaneous data. You'll need to mess with UDMs and UDSs to copy the time/iteration averaged data into the instantaneous data field in Fluent. 

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