November 11, 2024 at 9:18 amandrea.rivaSubscriber
Good morning,
I have to generate a big mesh (370 million elements) on fluent meshing. I can launch the mesh generation on a remote linux Cluster. The cluster has several computing nodes, each of which has certain number of cores and a certain RAM. When I submit my job, a queue manager assign my job to the free nodes and the job starts. I have the possibility to choose the number of cores and the distribution of cores among nodes. Eg: I can choose to run a job on 30 cores belonging to a single node OR to run a job on 30 cores distrubuted on 3 computing nodes (10 cores for each node). With the second option I should have more available RAM, since each computing node has his own ram (about 250 GB). However, what I see is that when I run my job the largest part of the RAM is allocated to a single node (and not divided between the three nodes). So, the mesh generation fails with an "out of memory" error.
Is there a string to allocate better the RAM and distribute it on different computing nodes? Is there a way to do that from a command line?
Following, my job-submission file
#!/bin.bash # use bash as command interpreter#$ -cwd         # currentWorkingDirectory#$ -N HCT_mesh    # jobName#$ -j y         # merges output and errors#$ -S /bin/bash     # scripting language#$ -l h_rt=168:00:00  # jobDuration hh:mm:ss#$ -q nmec.q      # queueName#$ -pe mpi_10 30    # cpuNumber#________________________________________________________/software/ansys2023R2/v232/fluent/bin/fluent 3ddp -t30 -meshing -cnf=machinefile.$JOB_ID -g < inputfile.txt > outputfile.txtÂecho End Parallel RunThank you very muchÂ
November 12, 2024 at 6:24 pmFedericoAnsys EmployeeHello, parts of the meshing workflows in Fluent Meshing are not yet parallelized, such as the Surface Mesh task, and can therefore only be run in serial
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