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Discrete Phase Model Al2O3 nanofluid Injection problem?

      I'm working with ANSYS fluent to run the DPM simulation of Al2O3 nanofluid to perform the sedimentation analysis. I have a problem setting up the surface inlet injection of al2o3 nanoparticle as a material. I couldn't able to find it under material section in injection but i see other material like anthracite, etc..
      Any suggestions would be really helpful?
      Thank you
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You'll need to find the properties in literature and then add them yourself. It's the same process as altering any material, you just start with the anthacite material. 

      Note, I recommend doing some reading: sedimentation with DPM may not be the best approach. 


      Hi Rob, thanks for your reply. I have the thermo-physical properties of the nanoparticle. I'm not sure how to add. can you please explain step by step procedure for that. At the moment i have completed Eulerian -Eulerian approch and i have added al2o3 under fluid section of materials. Are you suggesting me to add al2o3 nanoparticle under solid domain. 


      Can you please recommed me which model is better suited for nanoparticle sediemntation process.  Thankyou

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You just alter one of the existing materials and when asked if you want to overwrite say no.  

      Which of Eulerian and DPM are you using? Both have pros and cons, so please explain what you're trying to model in more detail. After you've read around the models (documentation, Learning and other threads), which do you think you should use? 


      Hi, Basically im trying to improve the heat transfer perfomance using sedimentation by changing the design based on the results of heated pipe. I'm using implicit Eulerian - Eulerian and Eulrian-lagrangian models. I have read the documentation and i see both models are good fit but interms of accuracy DPM is btter and comes with compuational cost.

      So, from your previous recomandation , are you suggesting me to change e.g., antracite properties ? because clearly, even after adding or changing in material section, it doent reflect on injection material section? Please take a look at the pictures. Thanks


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The solid phase in Eulerian is a "fluid". The DPM material is separate. 


      Are you taking about the inert particle attached. First I have enabled created a injection and seclected as dummy material which is anthracite. After that i looked into materials section and i see a new inert particle and when changing the properties i dont see thermal conductivty ? can you please suggest me if im doing wrong or right?


      Hi rob, i have managed to add a new material under inert particle but why is the thermal conductivity is not showing in inert particles from previous picture even after i enabled the energy equation?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check the DPM model theory, why would you need thermal conductivity of a point mass? 


      ok thanks for your comments. All clarified.

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