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convergence criteria and user interrupt condition didn’t work

    • Zhuolin Zhao

      I use the Harmonic balance method to solve a turbine. But this runninig seems not to stop. 
      Like the situation in the picture, I set the convergence criteria RMS to 1e-4, and add user interrupt condition,Cov to 1e-5,and there is also a max iterations.
      And corresbonding to the result in Solver manager, it should already stop. Do you have any Idea about the reason and the solution?

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      The Interrupt Control Option is set to "All Interrupts".  This means that not only the residual target must be met (along with a conservation target if set) but also all user interrupt conditions.  There is a user interrupt condition, Iterations, that isn't being shown in your screenshots.  I would check that to make sure that condition is also met.

      • Zhuolin Zhao

        Thanks for your reply, iterations condition is just larger than 100, I check several times to make sure all the conditions are met. I would like to ask if there are strict rules for the grammar of this expression? Thanks

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      CEL does follow certain rules concerning syntax.  Since there is no screenshot of the expression used for Iterations I can't comment on that.

      • Zhuolin Zhao

        Mass flow:     abs(CoV mFlowTotalNGV1Inlet)<0.00001
        Pressure Ratio : abs(CoV TotalPressureRatio)<0.00001
        Iteration:  aitern>100
        Do you have any Idea`? Thanks

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      Although for a steady-state run it should be equivalent, please try atstep (Accumulated Time Step) instead of aitern for the Iterations interrupt condition.

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