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Combining Results from 2 Different Models

    • choo.fuhsien

      Hi, I am working on a static analysis that requires 2 combining different models due to sequential loading. Example, the first model consists of 2 bodies loaded in vertical and in the second model (consisting of the same 2 bodies from first model, plus 1 additional body) and additional lateral load is applied to the new third body. Material is linear and both models are pinned at the bottom. In the first model I have actually modelled all the 3 bodies but suppressed the body which is to be used in second model. Then I duplicated the Static Structural in Workbench and unsuppressed the third body and applied the lateral load. I am unable to combine these 2 models.
      Can anyone assist to advise the best method to perform such analysis? In addition, if the material is bilinear, is combination still possible?

      I have made a sample model but I am unable upload it here.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      You have posted one more query and I will close this one.


      Combining Results from 2 Different Models (ansys.com)



      Ashish Khemka

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