3D Design

3D Design

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ansys stop at 15% without error

    • ihsanullah.khan

      "I am simulating the stapling of artificial skin in ANSYS, but the simulation stops at 15% completion without giving any error message. I am unsure why this is happening." Does that capture what you’re experiencing? Let me know if you need more details added!

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee


      Please navigate to the solver file directory where all your results are stored ( this should be where your model is saved). 

      Then check all the .mes files and d3hsp files for errors.

      This will give you an idea of what error is occurring then for further help please post that error for additional suggestions. 

      Cheers, Ram 

    • jerryhelen9880

      Thank you for providing useful and very good information.

    • Chris Quan
      Ansys Employee

      Was the End Time 1E-5 sec? Is this time realistic? If not, can you use a more realistic and physically meaningful time and then re-run the model?

      If the End Time is realisitic, what is the velocity resulted from the Displacement BC? If the velocity is very high, make sure material model can take care of the nonlinear physics involved, for example, plasticity, strain rate effect, material failure or damage, pressure hardening, etc. 

      Was Erosion on? Will the model run further if you reduce the number of cores from 16 to 4?


    • ihsanullah.khan

      Thank you for your response, and I appreciate your help. I apologize if I am not providing the information correctly, as I am still new to ANSYS.

      I have been trying to locate the .mes and d3hsp files, but I could not find them. I have attached a screenshot of my solver file directory for reference.

      To explain further, I successfully obtained results for the hand-sutured sample, and I applied the same procedure to the stapler-sutured sample. However, I am facing issues with the stapler-sutured case.

      I am using an Intel Core i7 laptop with 32GB RAM (10 physical cores and 16 logical threads), and that’s why I have set ANSYS to use 10 cores for the simulation.

      I have been working on this issue for the past six months, trying different modifications such as adjusting the time step, refining the mesh, and tweaking other solver settings, but I have still not been able to get the correct results.

      I would really appreciate your guidance in resolving this issue. I am also uploading all relevant screenshots as proof.

    • ihsanullah.khan

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee


      I was under the impression this is under LS-DYNA WB, It makes sense given this is Explicit dynamics. 

      Given that there is an energy error too large, try setting the Maximum energy error to a large number instead of 0.1

      Have a read at link https://innovationspace.ansys.com/knowledge/forums/topic/how-to-deal-with-problem-terminated-energy-error-too-large/ , and follow these comments by my colleague.  

      "Was the End Time 1E-5 sec? Is this time realistic? If not, can you use a more realistic and physically meaningful time and then re-run the model?

      If the End Time is realisitic, what is the velocity resulted from the Displacement BC? If the velocity is very high, make sure material model can take care of the nonlinear physics involved, for example, plasticity, strain rate effect, material failure or damage, pressure hardening, etc. 

      Was Erosion on? Will the model run further if you reduce the number of cores from 16 to 4?" 

      Cheers, Ram 


    • ihsanullah.khan

      Dear Ram,

      Thank you for your response and guidance. I have implemented all the suggested steps as follows:

      • Reduced the end time step to 1e-2 (further increase would make the simulation take over two days to complete).
      • Increased Maximum Energy Error to 10 to allow more flexibility in the solver.
      • Kept erosion enabled, as seen in the attached screenshot.

      However, despite these changes, the simulation now stops at 1.5% progress without generating results or displaying any error messages, as shown in the attached screenshot.

      I would appreciate your further insights on how to resolve this issue. Thank you again for your support.

    • ihsanullah.khan

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