3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

DXF file loaded incorrectly

    • Lukas Janicek


      why is SpaceClaim not loading DXF correctly? The dimensions and arrows are small, it looks like some things are missing. In other software everything works fine. I am attaching a PDF as well, where you can see how the drawing should look like.

      DXF: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wvc7d1ogwzlkhr9uraxlp/0lh225.dxf?rlkey=a11sz78tu4ij18bb6qz8uxg09&st=fgixm6el&dl=1

      PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ax7d7h7ol4f6hal8mrrwk/0LH225.pdf?rlkey=wc4yagqvgwt7zfdzfks687w6a&st=ccb7a58b&dl=1

      Thank you.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Staff are not permitted to open attachments or download links. Please post images of what you're expecting. 

    • Lukas Janicek


      OK, I have attached the pictures.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Is that a solid or line drawing? Check the Disco import options as it may or may not read everything. 

    • Lukas Janicek

      It is DXF!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Last I used AutoCAD it was 2d line. Hence me asking. 

    • Lukas Janicek

      It's an exported 2D drawing in DXF (from a software unknown to me). Other software has no problem with readability of values and other elements. The only problem is in SpaceClaim.

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Lukas,

      Spaceclaim is a modeling tool where we prepare geometry for FEA/CFD/EMAG simulations. Are you able to create surfaces from the imported dxf and build the geometry for your simulation? 

      Spaceclaim has tools to create detailed drawings if needed, but the primary purpose is to prepare models for simulation.

      • Lukas Janicek

        I'm reporting an import error. If you can't advise me how to adjust the settings to load correctly, please forward this issue to the development team.

        Our customers work with imported DXF very often.

        Thank you.

    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Lukas, thank you for reporting this, and could you please submit a support ticket case, and we will be able to relate this to the customer and account when it is implemented or fixed, so you will be updated on the status. Missy

      • Lukas Janicek

        Hello Missy, what do you mean I submit a support ticket? Where? Isn't it enough that I posted the problem in this thread?




    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Staff are limited to "public domain" level responses on here. Academic support is here, Commercial support should be via https://innovationspace.ansys.com/ansys-support-space/ depending on Licence TECS or via Channel. 

      • Lukas Janicek

        Rob, I can't access https://innovationspace.ansys.com/ansys-support-space with my customer number. However, we do provide SpaceClaim technical support to our customers who purchase the software through us; we are a reseller.
        Please tell me a solution.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, in which case you should have an Ansys manager/contact? I deal with the solver Channel Partners for second line support but not Discovery which appears to be separate. Trying to figure this out from this end too. 

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