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Ansys Rocky does not start simulations in Batch mode

    • mkhademi


      I would like to simulate a Rocky project in Batch mode on a Windows system. I have added the path to system environmnet and can open Rocky from command prompt. However, when I am trying to run a project with the syntax below, nothing happens. I am using the same syntax brough in the user manual (Appendice 7.5.1) which is

      Rocky.exe –simulate “C:Documentsproject_filename.rocky” –resume=1 –ncpus=7

      Thanks for an suggestions.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      do you get an error message from the prompt or nothing happens at all? 

      I believe your path is missing "/" after C: -> "C:/[...]"

    • mkhademi

      Hi Federico,

      Thanks for your reply. I get no error message. It is just the program does not run, or it does not create .lock file in the project folder.The path I brougtht above was from the manual. I am using the / in my syntax, like

      "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\Rocky\bin\Rocky.exe" -simulate "E:ROCKY DEM\Workshops or tutorials\Static Angle_BatchRocky23\StaticAngleBatch.rocky" -resume=1 -ncpus=20



    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Be sure to include two hyphens in your flags "--simulate". Rocky should run in the background.

      Let me know if that works.

    • mkhademi

      Hi Federico,

      I tried once with the two hyphens, but did not work again. I did the simulations through GUI once. That is why I am using --resume=1. I will setup the simulation again on the GUI without doing the smulations to try again on the Batch mode with the simplest conditions. Meanwhile, can you please write the steps needed to arrange the simulation on Windows with a Batch mode. Maybe I have missed something. For example, Rocky.exe is the only file that must be added to the path? Thank you.

    • mkhademi

      Hi Federico,

      I could run the simulations on my laptop with the same syntax you suggested. I should now check to see what the issue might be on my workstation. 

      Thank you so much.


    • mkhademi

      Hi Federico, 

      Thank you again for proposing the solution. The problem on the workstation was that I had two versions of Rocky 2023R1 and 2022R2. The created project was knows as 2022R2 although created by 2023R1, so the Batch syntax was trying to solve a R2022R2 project using 2023R1 version. 


      Thank you again for your help. 

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      I'm glad that you were able to resolve the issue. Thanks for sharing your solution!

    • mkhademi

      Hi Federico,

      When I am using the same syntax on the HPC cluster, there will be an error, and inside the error is written "Installing backtrace handlers...success" and the program is not executed. Can you give some general guidelines for running Rocky on the cluster? I have used this syntax:

      # Apply resources via SLURM
      #SBATCH --nodes=1
      #SBATCH --ntasks=48
      #SBATCH --time=48:00:00
      #SBATCH --job-name=rocky_test1
      #SBATCH -o rockycase239_%j.out
      #SBATCH -e rockycase239_%j.err
      module purge
      module load rocky/2023R1.1
      Rocky --simulate “StaticAngle2rocky.rocky” --resume=0 --ncpus=48
      Thank you.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I assume the cluster uses a supported O/S? 

    • mkhademi

      Hi Rob,

      The cluster is using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8.6.

      I noticed that I should have given the full path of the rocky file to be run. But, again it gave this error:

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/jenkins/Work/Jenkins/workspace/rocky30-rb-ROCKY-v23.1.1-ansys-newlinux/etk/coilib50/source/python/coilib50/__init__.py", line 42, in LoadCppModule
        File "/home/jenkins/Work/Jenkins/workspace/rocky30-rb-ROCKY-v23.1.1-ansys-newlinux/rocky30/source/python/rocky30/_cx_freeze_vtk9_hack.py", line 17, in import_hook_wrapper
      ImportError: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by /software/ansys/Rocky/2023R1.1/rocky/bin/lib/python3.6/_coilib50.so)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      So, no?  https://www.ansys.com/content/dam/it-solutions/platform-support/ansys-2023-r1-platform-support-by-application.pdf 

    • mkhademi

      Oh I see. This is actually surprising for me, because Fluent is running on RHEL. My default was that Rocky is compatible with any Linux OS where Ansys can be used.

      Thank you Rob!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Ansys acquired Rocky & team from ESSS earlier this year, but we've been working with them for longer. As it's from a different development background the OS list is slightly different. It's also gpu focussed with a cpu option so OS requirements are a little different. 

      Fluent came from UNIX, and then moved onto LINUX and Windows. 

      There may be a library you can port, otherwise keep an eye on the release notes as I'd be very surprised if more OS support wasn't in the plan. Note, I don't know about the plan! 

    • Miran Ulbin

      It does run in batch mode on Centos using --headless in the rocky command line.

      But it does work on full graphical OS and not on minimal (usual HPC nodes!). I am guessing what libraries are missing as the program freezes as it waits for something.

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