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Ansys mechanical Academic license

    • Mitesh Malvi


      I am university student currently thinking about doing my Thesis using ansys. I checked with my university and they have an ansys academic license that i can use. However i was told that i can use the software only on the school premises. I checked online and found that i can login to my university vpn and as long as i am connected to my university network, i can use the academic license. Is it possible to work remote on my own machine using the vpn + ansys academic setup? I would not be in the city of my university for the thesis. Is an academic license restricted to geographical distance or as long as i use the vpn setup, everything works?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please contact your account manager to discuss - if you can't find a contact name use "contact-us" on and use your University email & include the licence ID in the message. I can't give a yes/no answer to this one! 

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