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ANSYS HFSS 2020 R2.4 – Issue with RSM and frequency sweep, stuck at “Solving with MPI (Intel MPI)”


    • levismith
      This started as a question, but is also a comment just in case someone else is experiencing a similar issue. Note that this seems to be specific to ANSYS ELECTRONICS 2020 R2 and the patch ANSYS ELECTRONICS 2020 R2.4.nI am having an issue with remote solve in HFSS via RSM. Previously remote solve worked fine via RSM in HFSS 2020 R1. Currently I can use RSM for the adaptive solution (Intel MPI), but when the frequency sweep begins the solution process hangs.nI think this originates from the different MPI options, previously there was Platform Computing and Intel, I used Platform Computing -- this worked great. Now there is only Microsoft and Intel -- neither work. Microsoft fails to do anything during the solution process, Intel is capable of solving the adaptive passes, but then hangs at the frequency sweep.nI checked the Prerequisites installation folder for both 2020R1 and 2020R2 and IBM Platform MPI 9.1.4 folder is no longer included for 2020R2, I presume this is where my issue is coming from. For now I have reverted to 2020 R1 since this is a hassle and I hope future versions make RSM simulations simple again. I am sure there must be a way to get the Intel/Microsoft MPI method to work, but it doesn't seem to be as easy as it previosly was with the IBM Platform MPI.nNote that I have turned off firewalls/anti-virus/etc, so both all connections are open -- this had no effect.n
    • ANSYS_MMadore
      Ansys Employee
      Array You will need to install Intel MPI on each machine involved in the analysis. IBM Platform is no longer supported as of 2020R2.nhttps://support.ansys.com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal/template.fss?file=/ANSYS+Customer+Portal/staticassets/GettingStarted/2021R1/AnsysEMInstallGuide-Windows.pdf#page=50nYou will want to set your password on each machine as well.n%I_MPI_ROOT%\Intel64\bin\mpiexec -registernnThank you,nMatt
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