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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Ansys Discovery Crashing vGPU (Reproducible)

    • rameyers

      We have been able to consistently cause our virtual environment to crash in Ansys Discovery when using a specific sldprt file and physics. The problem could be triggered by other GPU heavy software but "insert geometry" in Ansys Discovery seems to be the most reliable. We've been working with Nvidia for over a year and they've been iterating fixes into the vGPU drivers but we're still having problems. Has anyone had any similar issues or able to provide insight or guidance?

      Below are the specific steps I am able to use to cause it to crash most consistently.

      1. Launch Ansys Discovery 2024 R2

      2. Insert geometry: P2_Bracket_V4.SLDPRT

      3. Align in V shape with shorter/thinner end on the right side

      4. Set the Material to "User Defined Solid" and update the properties

        • Density: 1.18e3 kg/m3

        • Electrical conductivity: 0

        • Relative permittivity: 1

        • Electrical loss tangent: 0

        • Relative permeability: 1

        • Young's modulus: 3.1e9 Pa

        • Poisson's ratio: .37

        • Shear modulus: 1.13e9 Pa (should be set automatically)

        • Bulk modulus: 3.97e9 Pa (should be set automatically)

        • Tensile yield strength: 7.03e7 Pa

        • Tensile ultimate strength: 1.03e8 Pa

        • Thermal expansion coefficient: 5e-5 1/C

        • Thermal conductivity: .19 W/m-K

        • Specific heat: 5e-5 kJ/kg.C

        • Material: Acrylic (PMMA)

      5. Set upper left circular hole structure as Fixed Support

      6. Set upper right circular hole structure as Displaced Support

        • dx: 0m

        • dy: free

        • dz: 0m

        • 0x: 0

        • 0y: 0

        • 0z: 040 

        • Displacement: 0m

        • Rotation: 0

        • Click into dx and hit Enter to save it

      7. Set the bottom circular hole structure as Distributed Force

        • Force: 80 lbf

        • Force direction: Down

      8. Set the arch (see image below for specific location) as Distributed Force

        • Force: 40 lbf

        • Force direction: Up

      9. Solve model

      10. Insert geometry: P2_Bracket_V4.SLDPRT

      11. If the app crashes, but the VM doesn’t, repeat the above steps.

        • I saved Design with P4.dsco file with all of the above configuration steps that should work in place of steps 2-8.


      • Servers: Dell R7525

      • CPUs: AMD EPYC 75F3 (2x per server)

      • GPUs: Nvidia L40 (2x per server)


      • ESXi: 8.0 U3b build 24280767 (problem has persisted on various versions of ESXi 7 and 8)

      • Ansys

      • Nvidia vGPU: 16.8 (and all previous versions of 16.x)

      • vGPU Profile: L40-8Q (up to 6 per card, 12 per server)

      • Ansys Discovery 2024 R2 Build 20240531

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator
      Hi Rameyers, 
      Thanks for sharing the details about your problem. 
      We are not allowed to access the models as this public forum. If needed, I will reach out to for files through secure transfer. 
      Let me check this and I will get back to you. 
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