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Ansys Academic Research Mechanical and CFD – Solver issue

    • Stefan Kaczmarczyk

      Customer Number: 668045

      Customer Name: University of Northampton

      I've encountered issues when executing simulations in static/transient thermal and static/transient structural analysis systems. Specifically, errors are appearing that suggest our license doesn't cover the "solve" function. Could you kindly advise on what steps we can take to correct this, or whether there is something wrong with our license setup that needs amending?

      I've attached a screenshot of the error for your consideration.

      Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

      Kind Regards,

    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Stefan,

      Can you please try resetting the license preference for Mechanical either from Ansys Mechanical or Workbench?

      to do so,

      1. You can change the Mechanical License Preferences in the Workbench (prior to launching Mechanical) or inside Mechanical GUI. Click on Model and set license preference in properties (right-side).


      2. For Ansys Mechanical, Open Ansys Mechanical 20xxRx  à File à Licensing à you can set the preference in license options



      I hope this helps,

      Mrunali Barde.

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