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3D sim of conical nozzle, density profiles are flat!

    • Ginevra Casati

      Hello, I am running 3D Fluent simulations of a 1mm outlet conical nozzle with razor blades placed above the outlet. My mesh is as fine as i can make it with a student license and seems to be okay, but when i try running the solver something goes wrong and the density profiles i produce are just flat! the velocity and pressure profiles are reasonable on the other hand. I tried using both density and pressure based solvers and i get similar results, in both cases flat density profiles. I am using pressure inlet and outlets and I tried both the viscous SST omega model and the inviscid one, again the density profile stay flat. I had previously ran 2D simulations for the same set up and everything was fine, density profiles included. Does anyone have any insights on why this might be happening and how i could fix it?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What did you set the material density as? 

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