General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Working with contacts of visible parts

    • javat33489

      Hello everyone. A pressing question. Is it possible to select in the contact tree only those contact pairs that are displayed on the model's working area?

      For example, there are 1000 parts in the project and these are 500 contact pairs, I hid 550 parts and left 50 on the working area and I need to group only their contacts, I would like to get them selected in the contact tree (project).

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee

      Select all the parts in the geometry window > right click in free space > Go to > contacts for selected bodies.

      You can use various options here to help navigate in the model tree. After doing this all the contacts for the selected bodies gets highlighted > right click and group them.

      Mohan Urs

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