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Use of Parameters (static structural results) as input for topo optimization

    • maja.wolkenstein


      I have defined a spring (combin14) in a static structural simulation and I am evaluating the maximum elongation of this spring

      The maximum eleongation of that spring is defined as parameter.

      Afterwards I would like to use the value of the maximum elongation of the spring as a constraint in a topology optimization

      The value of maximum elongation 0,0073334 from the static structural sim is now a response constraint in the topology optimization.

      How can I use the parameter from the static sim in topology optimization. What would be the APDL comman to transfer the parameter from one sim to the other. And how can I access the parameter in topo opti.

      Generall I would write a input file to retrive the APDL commands but however since elongation is a post result all the outputs are stored in the XML file.


      Thanks a lot



    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Wolke, isn't the x component an input parameter?
      any input parameter (just make sure that you click box in front of it to show it in parameter set in workbench page) can be linked to the output parameter as follows on the workbench page:


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