

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Pressure Drop analysis in Packed bed

    • obed.otoo

      Please I created these particles in DEM Rocky Ansys how to I do two-way coupling by inserting this into geometry as porous media for CFD simulation in fluent Ansys. To calculate the pressure drop as well as other relevant parameters

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, what problem are you facing? 

    • obed.otoo

    • obed.otoo

    • obed.otoo

      Failed to start Fluent Coupled simulation! Not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      How does your set up differ from the tutorial examples? 

    • obed.otoo

      Please which tutorials examples are you talking about. Can you kindly share with me please. 


      My setup is Packed bed with spherical particles and am trying to use 2 way coupling to fluent from Rocky and am experiencing error as failed to start fluent Simulation not enough values to unpack (expected 2 got 1).

      How do i deal with this error please. Thank you 

    • obed.otoo

      Please are there any tutorials on 2 way coupling please. Kindly share with me please.  Thanks 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There are, click on Help in Rocky, and have a look. We're just migrating some tools over to 2024R2,   https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/dem_tut/dem_tut.html  Open Help in Fluent & paste the link into the browser that opens. 

    • obed.otoo

      Please is the error a license or version issue i have experienced a similar error with the fluidized bed tutorials.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have you opened Help from Fluent? Has that launched in a browser?

    • obed.otoo

      Yes please. 


      Yes please.  It has several tutorials of which fluidrized bed is part please. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It has, read and review the content. You probably need to do the first 1-2 to learn the Rocky interface and some of the later ones cover coupling with Fluent. 

    • obed.otoo

          please am doing a two way coupling with Fluent and Rocky but these are the error messages i am receiving and advise please


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please repost the images as the Forum gremlins have eaten them. Note, you should be able to paste them in with the text. 

    • obed.otoo

      Please my question is can you be able to visualize particles in fluent or CFD post after 2 way coupling Simulation with Rocky and Ansys fluent?

      I have used the 2 way approach in packed bed Simulation however am not able to visualize my particles in during the cfd post and fluent post process approach.  Kindly advise me .Thanks

    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Obed,
      Unfortunately, it is not possible to visualize particles directly in Fluent. You can try post-processing using Ensight.
      The error you are encountering is associated with the imported .cas file from Fluent. Verify the fluent setup and try importing it again.
      Please access the manual, go to the top menu in Rocky: HELP > manuals > CFD coupling technical manual. For tutorials, go to HELP > tutorial Workshops and check Tutorial 14: Fluidized Bed.
      Hope this helps!
      Best regards,
    • obed.otoo

      Please there is no information in this link for CFD Coupling-Semi-resolved.

      CFD Coupling – Semi-resolved -https://community.ansys.com/?status/46373-46373-1691086564/

      Please can you kindly provide me with the correct link to CFD Coupling-Semi-resolved.

    • obed.otoo

      https://community.ansys.com/?status/46373-46373-1691086564/             Please the link to Semi-Resolved Coupling has no information can you kindly find me the right link please? Thanks

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Try https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/main_page.html?hl=f  and also in the Learning section on here, as the Rocky course may contain some information. 

    • obed.otoo

      Please i keep getting this error message trying to connect to PyRocky kindly advise me please.

      Thank you

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      All the PyAnsys stuff is handled via the Github, https://github.com/ansys  so check there. 

    • obed.otoo

      Please how do we setup for the Standalone CFD simulation and DEM-CFD Coupled simulation? Do you need to generate the mesh for the geometry of the packed particles? Is there any tutorials on howw the set was obtain in Ansys Fluent and Rocky kindly advise. How to set inlet and outlet for the boundary conditions kindly advise on the set please. Thanks

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you mean you want to model the particles as meshed entities in Fluent then you will need to export the surface from Rocky and then volume mesh the fluid parts for Fluent. That's potentially difficult and computationally expensive. I'd advise reading up on Fluent Meshing's Fault Tolerant Meshing and the Wrapper. 

      The coupled solution is likely semi-resolved. So, set Fluent up as normal for Rocky coupled flows (there's a tutorial) and also review the semi-resolved options. 

    • victor.garbe
      Ansys Employee

      obed.otoo, you can follow the Tutorial 14 to create a coupled DEM-CFD simulation which is very similar to the packed bed one. The errors you faced previously were likely due to an old version. Have you tried 24R2?

    • obed.otoo

      Please can you kindly share with me the link for the tutorials 14?

      Please I need your advise on these issues.
      1. I created particles with Rocky and exported them in the STL format
      1. I imported the packed bed particles into a cylindrical unit within SpaceClaim and combine it
      NEXT STAGE is to carry out 2-WAY coupling with Fluent and Rocky. However, i am experience errors
      1. I imported the geometry  as stl format into Rocky for 2-way COUPLING however am getting this error message
      Before generating the particles I defined the inlet. I also included the particle sizes as well.
      Do I need to redefine Inlet again?
      Do I need to select the particle sizes again?
      Kindly advise me, please.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you've moved the stl of the bed to Fluent why do you then need to use Rocky again? Or do you need to look at some moving particles above the bed? 

      Tutorials are in the Help, check the link I shared. 

    • victor.garbe
      Ansys Employee

      The stl export is if you need to mesh the particles in fluent. If you want to run the coupled simulation, you don't have to import the stl of the packed bed into Rocky. If you have the particle bed in Rocky (out of particles), the coupling will take care of making the Lagrangian -> Eulerian mapping through one of the mapping algorithms chosen.

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