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Unable to create animations for batch jobs in a HPC cluster

    • jwm84

      I am running my Fluent case on a HPC linux server in batch mode. I am using the following line in my .sh script file to include graphics in Fluent. 

      fluent 3ddp -nogui -gu -driver null -t $SLURM_NTASKS -cnf=$NODEFILE -mpi=intel -pinfiniband -sifile=./"$SLURM_JOBID"_fluentServer2.txt -i $ansysFile.jou > kinetics_model_reacting.txt

      The -gu -driver null options should enable me to create and save animations on the cluster. However, I am unable to do this. I am creating animations and changing their frequency using the following TUI commands. I have verified that the TUI commands are correct by inputting them in my local case setup.

      /solve/animate/objects/create temp-animation_dist animate-on core_temp storage-dir "." q   ; creating animations on the contour named "core_temp"

      /solve/animate/objects/edit temp-animation_dist frequency 200 q  ; change the frequency of writing files

      Note that I am able to output animations if I had already set them up in my local case file. However, I am unable to set up new animations on the cluster.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      Is it throwing any error while creating animations with this TUI commands?

    • jwm84



      Ansys throws the following error and does not save the animation.


      The contour which I am trying to animate does not contain any nan values. The contour represents a scalar field (see contour below).


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Could you please also share the transcript to understand the error?

    • jwm84


      I don't understand what you mean by transcript. Do you want the output file or do you want the journal file?

      The output file throws the error that I showed above.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      yes, the content of output file.


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