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Decision time and real time. Fluent.

    • javat33489

      Hi all. If I use the non-stationary solution method, can the total solution time be taken as real time in life? Or should we think about quasi? And after the decision, make a graph, for example, pressure / time.

      My task is two chambers, there is a hole between them, in one of the chambers there is high pressure. Through the hole, liquid under pressure will fill the second chamber; I need to calculate how long it will take to fill the second chamber and select the hole.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Does the amount of liquid in the first or second chamber alter the flow rate? 

      • javat33489

        Initially, in the first chamber the pressure is 10 MPa, in the second it is atmospheric. I need to calculate how long it will take for the water to flow into the empty chamber, and then I will adjust the cross-section of the hole to get the time I need. Therefore, I need to see the time on the chart as close as possible to life.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, and is the second chamber vented? You have two options:

      • Model the whole lot using transient, which could take days (or more) depending on scale.
      • Model steady state assuming the second chamber doesn't influence the flowrate and there is enough pressure & material in the first that it's a uniform flow. 

      I can't tell you that, you need to think about it and work out how to defend any assumptions later on. 

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