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LST, LLC FCA Tire Models Overview

LST, LLC joint­ly de­vel­oped tire mod­els with FCA. These mod­els can be down­loaded through the LST, LLC Mod­els down­load sec­tion. The mod­els are based on a se­ries of ma­te­r­i­al, ver­i­fi­ca­tion, and com­po­nent lev­el tests. The fi­nite el­e­ment mesh is based on 2D CAD da­ta of the tire sec­tion. All ma­jor com­po­nents of the tire use 8-nod­ed hexa­he­dron el­e­ments. The elas­tomers are mod­eled us­ing *MAT_­SIM­PLI­FIED_­RUB­BER and the plies are mod­eled us­ing *MAT_­OR­THOTROP­IC_­ELAS­TIC.

Gen­er­al fea­tures of the tire mod­el in­clude:

  • 240,000 el­e­ments com­pris­ing main­ly of 8-nod­ed hexa­he­dron el­e­ments us­ing el­e­ment for­mu­la­tion -2
  • In­fla­tion based on *AIRBAG_­HY­BRID with mass-flow us­ing *DE­FINE_­CURVE_­FUNC­TION to achieve de­sired ini­tial pres­sure
  • De­fla­tion based on *SEN­SOR to trig­ger leak­age (vent­ing or poros­i­ty). The sen­sors track the peak pres­sure in the tire (1.4 ×× initial_pressure as default) and the separation of the tire from the wheel. Separation of the tire and wheel is tracked using FORCE_TRANSDUCERS. Peak pressure triggers venting while wall separation triggers porosity-based leakage that accounts for contact blocking.
  • No ad­di­tion­al con­tacts re­quired to mod­el the in­ter­ac­tion with ve­hi­cle and oth­er com­po­nents
  • Elas­tomers mod­eled us­ing *MAT_­SIM­PLI­FIED_­RUB­BER with rate-de­pen­den­cy and the plies mod­eled us­ing *MAT_­OR­THOTROP­IC_­ELAS­TIC
  • Mount­ing of the tire on the wheel mod­eled us­ing *LOAD_­THER­MAL_­VARI­ABLE and ini­tial tem­per­a­ture im­posed on the steel beads to mod­el ini­tial com­pres­sive stress
  • Geo­met­ri­cal­ly trans­formed val­i­dat­ed tire mod­el to ob­tain li­brary of tire sizes


The cur­rent ver­sion does not in­clude ma­te­r­i­al fail­ure.



Available Tire Sizes

  • P235 45 R1
  • P235 55 R19
  • P235 65 R17
  • P245 50 R20
  • P245 75 R17
  • P255 70 R18
  • P275 65 R18
  • P305 35 R20

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