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$NO_RUN $EXE_CMD $CX_FLAGS Error July 31, 2024

Problem Description: When launching FLUENT you receive the following error: Segmentation fault $NO_RUN $EXE_CMD $CX_FLAGS Resolution 1 : This error is usually a DNS or hosts file issue. Check your /etc/hosts file and verify that your IP Address is correctly mapped to your hostname. Verify that the host name in the /etc/hosts file is the exact hostname in the license.dat file. Also, contact your Systems Administrator and check for DNS issues. You can try the following: 1.In a Terminal window type: hostname (use the returned hostname in the next command) 2.Type: ping hostname It should return something as seen in the following example below: ping (IP_ADDRESS) Verify that the IP_ADDRESS that was returned is the correct IP_ADDRESS for your hostname If it returns the error: "unknown host hostname " open up a Terminal Windows and CD to the /etc directory. Open up the hosts file. The hosts file should contain at least the following: localhost IP_ADDRESS hostname (Where IP_ADDRESS hostname is the IP ADDRESS on the local machine name and then add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)) 1.Make the desired updates and save the file. 2.Open up a new Terminal Window and try launching FLUENT again Verifying the IP Address You can verify the IP Address by typing: /sbin/ifconfig -a and nslookup Once verified check compare the return value with what is in the /etc/hosts file. Resolution 2 : Comment out or delete all IPV6 information in the /etc/host file. For example, if you have the following in the /etc/host file put a pound symbol in front of each IBV6 entry and restart the network services. # special IPv6 addresses localhost :1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback fe00::0 ipv6-localnet ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts

How to take reference of adjacent geometry while creating new edge/face? July 31, 2024

While creating new edge or face, press "Alt" key and select the adjacent geometrical entities as reference. These selected entities are highlighted in blue color and are used as reference while creating new edge/face.

Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 2020 R2 and / or R1 July 31, 2024

The installation of later client versions can sometimes clean up some files in shared_files that older versions still need (anslic_admin). But the core files required are still there. To solve it, create a shortcut called'Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 2020 R2' in:- "C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsANSYS 2020 R2ANSYS Client Licensing" Which points to:- "C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared Fileslicensingwinx64ANSLIC_ADMIN.bat" And create ANSLIC_ADMIN.bat with the content:- set ansyslic_dir=C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensing "%ansyslic_dir%..binwinx64wish.exe" "%ansyslic_dir%licadminscriptsLicAdminMain.itcl"

Drag and Lift Force Calculations on a Twisted Wind Turbine Blade July 31, 2024

The suggested approach is to calculate a local lift and drag forces at different span fractions of the blade. This may be done in CFD-Post using polylines generated from the intersection of constant radius iso-surfaces with the blade surface. Forces may be calculated based on pressures extracted from the polyline assuming some unit span value.

How to access the working directory and the name of the currently opened ad file via User Subroutine in Autodyn? July 31, 2024

The example below shows how to access the location and the name of the currently opened Autodyn file. The variables FDPRNT and FNID from the module fildef provide the directory and the name. If you compile the example below, launch the usersub exe file, open an Autodyn ad file and execute EXEDIT, the subtoutine will check get the location and the name of the file and open a text file with the same name as the ad file, but with the extension _OUTPUT.log in the working directory and will write the string "Hello World!" to text file. ! BEGIN EXAMPLE SUBROUTINE EXEDIT3 USE kindef, ONLY: INT4 USE fildef, ONLY : FDPRNT, FNID USE mdpp , ONLY : MYTASK IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(INT4) :: I,J,K,KK, ICHK, IOS, NUNIT CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: FNAME CHARACTER (LEN=5) :: TEXT5 DO I = 256, 1, -1 IF (FNID(I:I)/=' ') EXIT END DO DO J = 256, 1, -1 IF (FDPRNT(J:J)/=' ') EXIT END DO ! Include the task number in the log file CALL CONITC (MYTASK,TEXT5) DO K = 2,5 IF (TEXT5(K:K)=='$') EXIT KK = K END DO FNAME = FDPRNT(1:J)//'/'//FNID(1:i)//'_OUTPUT'//TEXT5(2:KK)//'.log' NUNIT = 78 ! HOPEFULLY FREE UNIT OPEN(UNIT=NUNIT,NAME=FNAME,FORM='FORMATTED', IOSTAT=IOS) WRITE (NUNIT,*,IOSTAT=IOS) 'Hello World!' CLOSE (NUNIT) END SUBROUTINE EXEDIT3

How to toggle Fluent lights and headlight setting in a script? July 31, 2024

These three scheme commands can be used to toggle lights and headlight in interactive and -gu mode: (cxsetvar 'lights-on? #f) (cxsetvar 'lights/headlight/on? #f) (cx-set-rendering-options) Note: #f = false, #t = true. Note these commands work with recent Fluent versions but may not be completely version independent.

How to access vorticity vector field in FLUENT UDF? July 31, 2024

We know the velocity gradient is a second-order tensor (partial u_i/partial x_j), which is split into the symmetric part (strain-rate tensor): S_{ij}= frac{1}{2}left( frac{partial u_i}{partial x_j }+frac{partial u_j}{partial x_i}right), and the antisymmetric part (rotation tensor): Omega_{ij}= frac{1}{2}left( frac{partial u_i}{partial x_j } - frac{partial u_j}{partial x_i}right). Get_Vorticity_Tensor() actually calculates the rotation tensor Omega_{ij}, because we know that vorticity vec{mathbf{omega}} is a vector, not a second-order tensor. In matrix notation, Omega_{ij}=frac{1}{2}begin{pmatrix} 0 & -omega_z & omega_y omega_z & 0 &-omega_x -omega_y & omega_x & 0 end{pmatrix}. With the rotation tensor, we can easily get the vorticity vector components from the function --- see the last argument in the function which is a 2-D array (*W)[3] from turb.h FLUENT_EXPORT void Get_Vorticity_Tensor(cell_t c, Thread *t, real u_g[], real v_g[], real w_g[], real omega_g[], real axis[], real omega, real v, real swirl, cxboolean rotation, real (*W)[3]); Upon returning from the function call, we collect the results from the rotation tensor: /* note the indices are shifted down by 1 for the 2-D array in C */ vort_x = 2.0*W[2][1]; vort_y = 2.0*W[0][2]; vort_z = 2.0*W[1][0]; In axisymmetric flow with swirl velocity (w), the vorticity vector can be represented by the following (we use the FLUENT convention of calling z the x-axis, r the y-axis, and theta the z-axis): omega_r =omega_y = -frac{partial w}{partial x}, omega_theta = omega_z = frac{partial v}{partial x}-frac{partial u}{partial y}, omega_z=omega_x = frac{partial w}{partial y}+frac{w}{y}. A sample ON_DEMAND code is attached for an example. In the example, one can see how the arguments are used for the axisymmetric cases. ====================================================== #include "udf.h" /* only for axisymmetric case */ enum {vort_x, vort_y, vort_z, vort_mag}; DEFINE_ON_DEMAND(calc_vorticity) { Domain *domain = Get_Domain(1); Thread *t; cell_t c; cxboolean rotation; real Rij[3][3]={{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}; real axis[3], omega; #if !RP_HOST thread_loop_c(t, domain) { if ( FLUID_THREAD_P(t) ) { omega=THREAD_VAR(t); Message("n angular vel = %g", omega); begin_c_loop_int(c, t) { rotation = ( omega==0.0? FALSE : TRUE ); NV_V(axis, =, THREAD_VAR(t).cell.axis); Get_Vorticity_Tensor(c, t, C_U_G(c,t), C_V_G(c,t), NULL, C_OMEGA_G(c,t), axis, omega, C_V(c,t), C_W(c,t), rotation, Rij); C_UDMI(c,t,vort_x)=2.0*Rij[2][1]; C_UDMI(c,t,vort_y)=2.0*Rij[0][2]; C_UDMI(c,t,vort_z)=2.0*Rij[1][0]; C_UDMI(c,t,vort_mag)= 2.0*ND_MAG(C_UDMI(c,t,vort_x), C_UDMI(c,t,vort_y), C_UDMI(c,t,vort_z)); } end_c_loop_int(c, t) } } Message0("n Vorticity calculation is done."); #endif }

How to track contact status while running the solution without leaving the SOLUTION module ? July 31, 2024

NSEL,R,CONT,STAT,1,2, ,0 User has to use NSEL approach. Querying through ESEL approach( ESEL,R,ETAB,CONTSTAT,1,3, ,0) will not help as it requires entering into /POST1 . Note: In workbench environment, This procedure will work provided by giving below commands in the First load step. fini /config,noeldb,0 /SOLU ! Forcing results to writing to DB

During a blow molding simulation in AIM the parison stops far from the mold. July 31, 2024

In the Interface Conditions>Contact menu, under Contact Behavior, there is a slider called 'Search Settings' (Show All Properties' button activated). The slider can be position to 'Fast' to get a quick first result. However, the result will not be accurate and the contact can be detected far from the mold. By moving the slider to 'Safe' will increase the accuracy of the contact detection.

*DMAT Command : Fails to open the file file.full July 31, 2024

You probably used distributed memory solver which generates separate .full files for each core. For example, when 4 cores are used, ANSYS will have file0. full, file1.full, file2.full and file3.full files, so you won't have a file.full file in model directory. This is why *DMAT fails to open file.full because file.full doesn't exist. There are 2 ways to resolve this issue. 1.Use Share Memory Solver. In Mechanical, Tools>Solver Process Settings>Advanced. Uncheck Use Distributed Solution if Possible. 2.Use "DMPOPTION,FULL,Yes" command under Modal. This will combine individual filex.full files into single file.full.

What’s New in Discovery 2022 R1 September 26, 2022

ANSYS Discovery 2022 R1, has been released and is now available for download.    The video playlist below walks through a quick summary of the new features in this release, or see the attached presentations for additional detail. Sign up for our 'What's New in Discovery 2022 R1' Webinar on February 17th, 2022.