The Ansys Learning Forum is the go-to place for students, educators, researchers and industry engineers to engage with peers and Ansys experts. Search by topic of interest, join a conversation in progress or post a question or response.

All you need to know to participate

Rules & Guidelines
All you need to know to participate

Tell us what you love, or suggest ways we can improve
Installation And Licensing
Q&A around getting started with Ansys software
All you need to know to participate
Rules & Guidelines
All you need to know to participate
Tell us what you love, or suggest ways we can improve
Discuss Simulation
Q&A around getting started with Ansys software
Discuss Physics
Q&A around getting started with Ansys software
Fluid Mechanics
Topics relate to the behavior of fluids
Structural Mechanics
Topics relate to structural behavior
Electronics & Electromagnetics
Topics relate to electromagnetic forces and circuit design
Topics cover understanding physics at a high school level
Projects & Partners
Q&A around getting started with Ansys software
Student Competition
Ansys Innovation Courses
Commercial Support
Ansys customers with active commercial software licenses can access the customer portal and submit support questions. You will need your active account number to register.