

Why can’t I read my Iges geometry file into Ansys Classic with the IGESIN command?

    • FAQFAQ

      Check the Import Summary, and if you see the word “UNSUPPORTED”, the Iges file contains surface entities that cannot be translated by the IGESIN Command. See example below. In particular, the Ansys Classic IGESIN command only supports the Iges “Trimmed Surface” entity. It does not support nurb or other b-rep surfaces. The work around is to have your CAD system export a new iges file using the Trimmed Surface entities. Example Summary Output =================== TRANSFER COMPLETE IGES-TO-ANSYS TRANSFER REPORT TYPE FORM ENTITY DESCRIPTION NUMBER STATUS —- —- —————— —— —— 110 0 LINE 12 TRANSFERRED 116 0 POINT 6 TRANSFERRED 123 0 DIRECTION 12 UNSUPPORTED 186 0 MANIFOLD SOLID B-REP OBJECT 1 NOT TRANSFERRED 190 1 PLANE SURFACE 6 UNSUPPORTED << UnSupported Surfaces 502 1 VERTEX 1 TRANSFERRED 504 1 EDGE 1 TRANSFERRED 508 1 LOOP 6 TRANSFERRED 510 1 FACE 6 TRANSFERRED 514 1 SHELL 1 TRANSFERRED ------ TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTITIES = 52 REPORT COMPLETE