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Why can’t I access results at all of the nodes in my model which includes midside (quadratic) nodes with most post commands or the *GET/*VGET commands?

    • FAQFAQ

      In Mechanical APDL output based on /GRAPH,FULL does not calculate results for midside nodes. With /GRAPH,POWER active and /EFACET,2 the PRNSOL command will print midside node results. It just averages the corner nodes on the same element edge. The other post processing print commands (including PRVECT) and the *GET/*VGET all only handle corner node results. In Mechanical (via Workbench) the export process of nodal results will also calculate values for the midside nodes. From ANSYS Help link: help/ans_mod/Hlp_G_MOD2_4.html#aQXQxq1ecmcm (R 18.2 ANSYS Mech. APDL Modeling and Meshing Guide Section 2.2.2) “In postprocessing, the program uses only corner nodes for section and hidden line displays. Similarly, nodal stress data for printout and postprocessing are available only for the corner nodes. In graphics displays, midside-node elements, which actually use a curved edge in the element formulation, are displayed with straight-line segments (unless PowerGraphics is used). Models will therefore look “cruder” than they actually are.”