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Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

What is the meaning of the “Out of memory” error when using the DDPM-DEM Model in ANSYS Fluent and how to fix this?

    • SolutionSolution

      Fluent uses a virtual Cartesian mesh to evaluate the DEM collisions. The size of the virtual mesh is dependent on the parcel diameter used in the DDPM model. If the parcel size goes too small, the resulting virtual mesh may become extensively huge to be handled by the system, resulting in the “Out of memory” error. To overcome this error, the parcel diameter needs to be increased. A larger parcel results in a reduced virtual mesh cell count. For a fixed mass of the particle-phase in the domain or a given particle injection mass flow-rate, this can be achieved by reducing the number of injected parcels in the domain. This effectively increases the mass per parcel (and consequently the particle number per parcel), thereby increasing the parcel diameter. A more detailed discussion on this aspect can be found in the attached pdf.

      1. 2044368.pdf
      2. 2044368.zip