March 17, 2023 at 1:11 pm
ParticipantYou can simulate porous media multiphase flows using the physical velocity porous formulation to solve the true or physical velocity field throughout the entire flow field, including both porous and non-porous regions. In multiphase flows, since porosity is a parameter representing the volume blockage in porous media, all the phases in a multiphase flow system share the same porosity. Pressure loss through porous medium can be set differently for each phase. In Cell zone conditions, when multiphase model is activated, you can set the porosity of the medium when Mixture option is selected for the cell zone. When you select primary/secondary phase option for the cell zone, inertial and viscous resistance coefficients can be specified for each phase. It may be pointed out that in many multiphase porous-media applications, a porous medium acts like a wall to block one phase, while other phases in a system go through it. In such case, one can provide very large resistance coefficients to ensure blocking of that particular phase. It should be noted that specifying a very large pressure loss coefficient (for example, 1e+20) for the phase that does not pass through the porous medium can cause convergence issues.
1. 2041585.pdf

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