

What does the following error message mean? *** ERROR *** Error in symeqn called by dstmak. Please send your data to your ANSYS Technical Support Provider.

    • FAQFAQ

      In discussing this error message with development, they noted that: – The symeqn.F routine is simply trying to invert a matrix and it is detecting that the matrix is either singular or nearly singular. The near-singular case might just be a tolerance issue or perhaps there is a true bug in the matrix being generated for inversion.” – The dstmak.F routine seems to be used by material property routines. Is there anything odd about the material properties that you are aware of in the input file? If not, it might just be a tolerance issue.” – After checking the customer’s model closer, I noticed that the parameter used to define the BKIN material model yield stress was never initialized. Therefore, a value of “TINY” was used, which is set to 7.9E-31 (i.e., 2^(-100)). This near zero value caused a break-down in the equations. Assigning a yield stress fixed this particular model and it ran to completion. .