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Material Properties

Material Properties

What are Isochronous stress-strain curves? How can they be used in ANSYS for modeling creep?

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      “Isochronous” in this context refers to curves of stress vs strain at different times in the relaxation history. The use of Isochronous stress-strain curves offers a conservative and simplified alternative to performing a full blown rate dependent creep analysis. The general recommendation is that if user already has a series of creep vs relaxation time data for different stress values and he can get a good curve fit with one of our standard creep material options, there is no need to convert this data into isochronous curves of stress vs strain . We cannot represent creep behavior directly in ANSYS from Isochronous stress-strain curves at different times. The use of these isochronous curves in a more conservative rate independent analysis might have some merit when the above recommendation is not possible, but it is an engineering judgment on the user’s part as to the validity of this approach. Refer also to ASME PV&P Div Conference paper PVP2011-57130, Isochronous Stress/Strain Curves-Origins, Scope and Appllication by Douglas Marriott July 17,2011.