To save disk space, I would like to use the “Selected Variables” option for the output of transient result files (*.trn). However, the “Output Variables List” does not contain all variables that I want to include in the data set. How can I include the missing variables in the “Selected Variables” data set?
June 5, 2023 at 7:05 am
Participant1) For most variables, it is possible to simply add the variables that cannot be selected in the “Output Variables List” GUI in the CCL of the “Output Control” object. To do this, right-click on “Output Control” in the outline tree and select “Edit in Command Editor”. Then add the required variable name (e.g., VariableOriginallyNotListed) in the “Output Variables List” option of the “Transient Results” object, see the following example: FLOW: Flow Analysis 1 &replace OUTPUT CONTROL: RESULTS: File Compression Level = Default Option = Standard END TRANSIENT RESULTS: Transient Results 1 File Compression Level = Default Include Mesh = No Option = Selected Variables Output Variables List = Absolute Pressure,Density, VariableOriginallyNotListed OUTPUT FREQUENCY: Option = Timestep Interval Timestep Interval = 1 END END END END This will produce an error in CFX-Pre, but in most cases the solver itself will not show any errors (if the variable names are correct and available in the simulation) and will produce the correct output. However, you should be aware that – just as any CCL that was added in CFX-Pre via the command editor and is not available through the GUI – the added variables will be removed again from the CCL setup when you edit the Output Control in the GUI afterwards. To avoid this, simply copy the corresponding CCL-snippet for the additional variable output in a text file “myOutput.ccl” and pass this file at solver start with the option -ccl myOutput.ccl. 2) Another possible workaround would be to create an Additional Variable of type “unspecified” and set it equal to the quantity that is missing in the Output Variables list. You can then output the Additional Variable instead (Additional Variables are always listed in the Output Variables list). However, this approach generates a certain memory overhead, which is avoided by approach #1).

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