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Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

Multiphase model diverges right away when using ‘coupled with volume fractions’ option

    • FAQFAQ

      Try first running without this option until converged, then try enabling it. This option is also behaves better when running with decreased URFs for pressure and momentum and higher order discretization. Here are other informative notes from the Fluent user guide regarding lack of convergence with this option: “The Coupled with Volume Fractions option (also known as Full Multiphase Coupled in previous ANSYS Fluent versions) couples velocity corrections, shared pressure corrections, and the correction for volume fraction simultaneously. Theoretically, it should be more efficient, however it may have some drawbacks in robustness and CPU time usage. The robustness issue stems from the lack of control of the solution of the volume fraction equation. The continuity constraint (sum of all volume fractions equals 1, and individual values limited between zero and one) cannot be enforced exactly during inner solver iterations, and slight variations from the physical limits may lead to divergence. Research is ongoing in this area to improve the method. The method is advantageous for heterogeneous mass transfer when a low Courant number is given; it also works well in dilute situations.”