

Is there any information on the shell jetting capabilities?

    • FAQFAQ

      Jetting option is the analytical calculation of shaped charge jet. It uses shell elements and only runs in Autodyn 2D. Jetting option is not available in Explicit Dynamics system. It is only available in Autodyn Standalone (2D) or Autodyn Component system (also 2D). The shell element in Jetting option has a constant thickness. It is often referred to as an “engineering option”, not a numerical option. This method was used before wide use of numerical simulations on shaped charge jet formation. ANSYS Help contains the descriptions on Jetting Option and Jetting Post-Processing in the current GUI. Jetting option setup, see // AUTODYN User’s Manual // 11. Parts // 11.13. Parts – Solvers (Structured) // 11.13.10. Parts – Solvers (Structured) – Jetting Activate Jetting option, see // AUTODYN User’s Manual // 11. Parts // 11.13. Parts – Solvers (Structured) Jetting post-processing, see // AUTODYN User’s Manual // 5. History