We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


I am working with Workbench using a Linux cluster. How can I run Workbench in batch mode?

    • FAQFAQ

      This can be done in two steps

      1. Create a journal to open the file, update (to solve) and save. You can create a journal on a dummy file and later change its file names.

      • Open Ansys WB. Go to file >> Scripting >> Record Journal. Save the journal file and provide the name.
      • Open Dummy project file, update the project and save with other name.
      • Go to file >> Scripting >> Stop Recording journal
      • Go to journal file. Change the name of WB project to actual WB file and name to save after update.
      • Change the journal extension from .wbjn to .py

      2. Use the following template to input shell commands to open WB and run journal in batch mode:
      << Path to open WB .... /v172/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2 >> -B -R << Path to open journal (.py) file >>

      For more information, please refer ANSYS Help > Customization Suite > ANSYS AIM and Workbench Scripting Guide > Scripting Overview > Journaling and Scripting Guide.