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Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

How to stabilize DPM evaporation rates of droplets in incompressible cases? How to remove dependency of evaporation rates of droplets from local pressure?

    • FAQFAQ

      According to chapter 16.4.2. in the R19.1 Fluent Theory Guide, for the diffusion-controlled vaporization model the evaporation rate is calculated based on equations (16–101), (16–102) and (16–103). Equation (16–103) calculates the concentration of vapor in the bulk gas as a function of the local absolute pressure. In a case with a fluctuation pressure field this can lead to significant fluctuations of the evaporation rate (DPM Mass Sources). With the command (rpsetvar ‘dpm/absolute-pressure #f) the concentration of vapor in the bulk gas can be calculated as function of the operating pressure. This can help stabilizing the evaporation rates (DPM Mass Sources). Keywords: DPM, DPM Mass Sources, fluctuations, incompressible, evaporation, droplet, diffusion-controlled vaprorization