Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

How to set a particle injection duration time in ANSYS CFX?

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      This is possible by setting the number of parcels being injected proportional to Mass Flow Rate. In the following example particles will stop being injected into the domain after a certain injection duration time.
      1/Define following expressions of the form:
      switch = if(t < tinjection,1,0) tinjection = 0.015 [s] Mpdot = 9.41e-4 [kg/s] where tinjection is the particle injection interval and Mpdot is the required mass flow rate.
      2/ Define the Particle Mass Flow Rate using an expression:
      3/Choose “Proportional to Mass Flow Rate” for “Number of Positions” and define particle number Np. Based on this setup, after starting simulation, N parcels are injected every time step until flow time >= tinjection N = time step size * Mpdot * Np Keywords: Particle, Injection, Time