

How to monitor the coordinates of a node in a mesh motion simulation.

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      1. Create a monitor point at the desired location. Add all Total Mesh Displacement variables to the Output Variables List. Set Interpolation Type = Nearest Vertex and Position Update Frequency = Initial Mesh Only (This will make the monitor stick to a node).
      2. Create an expression (Expression 1 in this example), that is equal to: probe(Initial Y)@Monitor Point 1+probe(Total Mesh Displacement Y)@Monitor Point 1. This will return the Y position of Monitor Point 1. This method is required since it’s not possible to directly monitor position of a monitor point with probe(Y)@Monitor Point 1.
      3. Create a new monitor point with Option = Expression and set the Expression Value equal to the expression created in step 2.
      4. Repeat steps 2, 3 for the X, Z coordinates.