We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to import parts from Workbench or LS-DYNA K file to Autodyn multi-material Euler domain

    • FAQFAQ

      The parts imported from Workbench or LS-DYNA k file are called as unstructured parts in AUTODYN. The unstructured parts use Lagrange solver if these parts are solid elements. If user needs to model material flow of fluids or very large deformation of solids, user can use AUTODYN multi-material Euler solver. To import Lagrange parts (structured or unstructured) into a multi-material Euler domain, user needs to follow the procedures below: 1. Create a multi-material Euler part which is large enough to cover the Lagrange parts and the space they will move into. The element size should be fine enough to catch the geometric details of the Lagrange parts. 2. Fill the multi-material Euler part with a generic material such as VOID or Air. 3. Select the multi-Euler material part, Use FILL -> ADDITIONAL FILL OPTIONS -> PART FILL to fill the Lagrange parts to the newly-created multi-material Euler part. In the PART FILL window, select the material already in the Euler part such as VOID as the material being replaced in the multi-material Euler part. 4. Press OK to proceed. 5. Delete or deactivate the Lagrange parts after they are Part Filled into the Euler part successfully.